A Homeowners Resource Guide to Lawn and Gardens

Being a new homeowner brings with it a great deal of responsibility. As the owner you may have a Mortgage and taxes to pay on a regular basis in order to keep possession of the home. In addition, you have regular maintenance that you need to do on the home such as painting, repairing small items around the home and completing preventative maintenance in the home. However, one of the items that needs to be addressed on a regular basis in order to keep up the appearance of the house is exterior planting and gardening.

There are many different aspects to keeping up the lawn and garden projects of your home. Some of the areas include lawn maintenance, planting trees and flowers, using environmentally friendly methods to control pests and many more. These are all areas that need to be concerned by new and experienced homeowners. And through time, even the newest homeowners can become a seasoned professional.

To help homeowners learn more about planting and gardening around the home, we have put together a number of helpful pages. Feel free to browse through the information and share it with your friends and neighbors. And, happy gardening and planting!

Plants and Flowers

  • Plants Database – Resourceful site from the USDA which gives a wide range of information on various types of plants.
  • Plant Information Online – Search able database where you can find information on any plant that you inquire about.
  • Tree Care Information – Useful guide with information on the care of common trees.
  • Plant Care Guide – Helpful page which discusses various types of plants.
  • Flowers – Information on flowers that can be used inside and outside.
  • Lawn Care Tips – Web page which covers various topics concerning proper care of our lawn.

Pest Control

  • Outdoor Pest Control – Information for people looking for DIY pest control help.
  • Pest Control Tips – Useful page which provides tips and suggestions on safe was to control pests.
  • Pesticide Use – Informative page with information on safe pesticide usage around the house.
  • Indoor and Outdoor Pests – Web site which discusses ways to control different types of pests in and around the homes.
  • Resources for Pest Management – Government information that is helpful in the control of pests through the use of pesticides and other methods.


  • Landscaping Tips – Article which lists a number of projects that could be money savers for homeowners.
  • Basic Landscaping – Site which provides several tips and ideas for novice landscaping.
  • Beginner Landscaping Ideas – Helpful page with basic, easy to complete, ideas for the beginner landscaper.
  • Landscaping Tips and Help – Gardening and landscaping tips and suggestions for homeowners are discussed in this article.

Lawn and Garden Tips

  • Turf and Garden Tips – Page which provides a wealth of tips for lawn and garden for all seasons.
  • Green Lawns and Gardens – Helpful government based page which provides safe methods to keep lawns and gardens green.
  • Lawn Maintenance and Garden Tips – Information and ideas on how to properly maintain your home’s garden and lawn.
  • Lawn and Garden – Useful web page which offers a number of useful ideas on lawn and garden care.
  • Water Conservation Tips (PDF) – Informative article which lists a number of tips on how homeowners can conserve water while maintaining their lawns and gardens.

Environmental Concerns

  • Common Sense Pest Control (PDF) – Helpful article which contains information on how homeowners can control pests without the use of harmful pesticides.
  • Pollution Controls – Information on how to avoid the problems of air pollution while using fertilizers around the home.
  • Lawn and Garden Pesticides (PDF) – Informative article which provides readers with a vast array of information about the use of pesticides on lawns and gardens of homes.
  • Your Home and the Environment – A PBS page which discusses environmental concerns of the care of lawns and gardens around the home.
  • Environmental Alternatives – Useful page which provides environmentally friendly alternatives to pesticides which are non-toxic.

Gardening Resources

  • Gardening Resources – Wide ranging and informative site from Cornell University providing information on many gardening topics.
  • Gardening Web Sites – USDA page which lists a wide range of sites with gardening resources.
  • Online Gardening Resources – Detailed information and resources covering many important gardening topics.
  • Kids Gardening – Useful website aimed at providing kids with information on how to garden properly.
  • Gardening and Resources – Page which lists many helpful pages and information about gardening related topics.
  • Gardening Library – Portal of information on a number of topics in the subject of gardening and planting.
  • Avant Garden Decor – The site is home to various gardening products, gardening information/a consistently updated blog with gardening tips and information for homeowners, recipes, outdoor living, ect.

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